Monday, March 10, 2008

ECB strikes again...

So, after my uneventful day, I'm getting ready for bed when my cell rings. It's a number I've never seen before and, thinking it was a client, I answer. Much to my surprise, ECB had listed me as a reference for a job she had applied for and they were calling me, on my cell, while in another country, late at night, to see what I thought of her. I'm drunk and tired, but apparently my desire to move on with my life superseded my desire to screw her over. I recounted certain of the more positive aspects of our time as co-workers...both pre- and post- secret office romance (obviously not mentioning the fact that I'm her soon-to-be ex good thing about her refusing to take my name).

After 15 minutes on the phone with prospective employer, I got ready for bed, just as email started working again.

The first 2 messages that popped up in my inbox...a note from ECB telling me she had given me as a reference and she hoped I wouldn't be spiteful (sent about 10 minutes before the call came in...good to know email's being routed in a timely manner), and 2, another note from ECB asking me to look at an email she was going to send to a prospective employer before she sent it (I was a "professional writing" major in college, so she thinks I know what I'm doing). Forgetting for a second that I am in fact NOT "shmucky the clown," I re-wrote the email for her to make it sound like she was qualified for the job (which I had to explain to her before embarking on my international adventure). If this was a local job, I'd have ignored it, but it's something that would require her to move about a thousand miles away from me, giving me more freedom than I'd otherwise have (even when we're no longer together, the closer she is, the more she'll try to control me...that's just the way she is).

If only email had stayed down another 20 minutes, I'd be asleep right now instead of typing this shit up. On the bright side, I'm also listening to Howard Stern...trying to find a positive in an otherwise crap-tacular chain of, you have screwed me yet again. Why hast thou forsaken me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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