Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sometimes I don't know why I bother...

So after almost a full day back at the office, I have yet to get any good new techno-stories out of this place (our systems barely work right now, so people can't really misuse them, but I was still expecting at least a whopper or two to welcome me back to the office.)

Of course, that hasn't stopped ECB from fucking with me some more...

I really wanted to end the last post on a happy note, so I stopped after the hippie conversation. Of course, when I landed and the emails started pouring in, the first one was from ECB, asking me to review her resignation letter. She's a graphic designer, not a writer, so I ignored the spelling and grammar errors, as well as the fact that if one of my employees gave me this, I'd kick my own ass for hiring someone who writes this way. I started looking at it, but was so tired I just gave up. Opened it again this morning and it dawned on me that she has no clue how to use Word...the margins were off, fonts all over the place, bold in some places, underline in others, italics in yet others...random capitalization - just a freakin mess.

Now, ECB is a graphic designer. She's an expert at programs I've never in my life had any interest in using or learning about (other than to download them from BitTorrent) and has designed things that are really amazing. All this and she can't use the most basic, common waste of megabytes there is. I'm going to fix it for her, because I'm a sucker...

Of course, the real kicker was the second email she sent me. She has a pretty nice Dell notebook that her company bought her. Needless to say, she's going to have to give that bad boy back when she resigns. We have 2 computers "up for grabs" right now and I've told her she can take either of those with her when she moves. Of course, since I just got a new one (bought it while she was away on one of her 3 recent trips to Florida), she thinks she should have a better one too. In this email, she's asking me if I can go, maybe this weekend (when she'll be in Florida again), to look at getting a new labtop for her (yes, she put a b in there). She told me it should be like the one she has (which cost more than double the new one I just bought) because she needed all her graphics software on it. I really have no idea why she's going to need this, but I'll do it anyway, for a couple of reasons...

  • If I don't, she'll go out and buy it herself, most likely before that magical, happy day when we divide our assets and go our separate ways, so I'll be paying for half of it anyway.
  • If left to her own devices, she'll overpay for something crappy because it has a nice screen saver or something
  • I can accidentally drop a plasma TV (50" or so) into my cart while I'm looking for the laptop. It's very heavy, so I can't lift it to put it back on the shelf. It should slide easily from the cart into the trunk of my car though :-)
  • And, of course, because I'm a dumbass

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