Thursday, March 27, 2008

More Happy Memories

After yesterday's hellish journey back to the early days of my career, I went out for "a drink" with a few colleagues. That one drink turned into about 9 hours, many many many pints and some good times. Of course, those good times also brought back a few more good memories...

"Asshole," the former IT guy, used to call me (a lot) to fix computers, servers and whatever else broke around the office when he was hung over, still drunk from the night before or just scared of the reaction to his most recent fark-up and decided not to come to work. One such call will always stand out. It was the morning after a night of drinking (back when I was young and could throw back a few without making an ass out of myself or feeling the pain the next morning). "Asshole" had come out too (I was among the first to leave that night...decided to go home right after he started telling me how hot my then-fiancee was and how he'd love to nail her).

The next morning, sure enough, email is down...but that's not all - our entire network had crashed. Boss guys are frantically calling IT A-hole to get him in to fix it, I'm calling our comm provider to see if it's a problem on their end or if it's internal and everybody's yelling at everybody else. As I hear angry, psychotic voicemail number 4 being left for IT dude, he calls me. Says he had a rough night and asked if I could get into the server room without anyone seeing. I couldn't fix this one on my own, but was able to get the system back up and running with a little phone support (from Microsoft - not IT guy). He showed up a few hours later with a black eye - turned out he had "challenged" one of the bigger guys at the company and the 2 of them left the bar and went back up to the office to wrestle. Big guy had a couple of cuts on his face, apparently having taken a bit of punishment as well.

Last night was nuts, and I still feel horrid, but on the bright side, our IT person didn't try to throw me through any walls...

And I didn't even have to fix the server this morning.

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